
notes For RGPV Bhopal CBCS CBGS Students

  • Human Computer Interaction (CS-7005)

     RGPV notes CBGS


    UNIT 1:
    Introduction to Human computer Interaction, HCI History, HCI Frameworks, HCI Paradigms. Aspects of Human Cognition.

    UNIT 2:
    Introduction to Evaluation, Predictive evaluation, heuristic evaluation, User modeling, UCD Process, Usability Principles, User-centered Design, Dialog: Command Language Interface & Graphical User Interface, Dialog: Pen & PDA

    UNIT 3:
    Human Abilities, IRB & Ethics, Predictive Models and Cognitive Models, Descriptive Cognitive Models, Ubiquitous Computing.

    UNIT 4:
    Natural Language & Speech, Information Visualization, Universal Design & Assistive Technology, Pervasive Computing, Tangible User Interfaces

    UNIT 5:
    Help & Documentation, UI Software, UI Agents, and Case Studies: Windows Swing


    Text Books

    1.Abowd and Russell Beale,“Human-Computer Interaction)”, Prentice Hall
    2.Donald Norman, “The Design of Everyday Things”, Basic Book Publisher.
    3.John Carrol, “Human-Computer Interaction in the New Millenium”

    Reference Books

    1.Paul Booth, “An Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction”, Psychology Press.
    2.D. Hix and H. R. Hartson, “Developing User Interfaces: Ensuring Usability Through Product and Process”, Publisher -John Wiley.
    3. Rosson& Carroll, “Usability Engineering: Scenario-Based Development of Human-Computer Interaction”, Morgan Kaufmanns.

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